The crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic is having a profound effect on autistic young people and their families. Many, already deeply affected by isolation, anxiety and financial hardship, are struggling to cope with the current situation and need sustainable opportunities more than ever to provide them with the structure and support they so desperately need. All services provided by Blue Dragonfly will be developed around relevant government health and safety guidelines with safeguarding of our young people and staff a priority.

Our Service
We will offer a broad and balanced pathway-based program that is relevant to each of our young people with the benefit of being highly personalized. We will advocate for and deliver support that is enjoyable, age appropriate, individualized and designed to respond to the particular needs, talents and interests of all our young people.
We understand the importance of developing communication, interaction and fostering as much independence as possible. Our support will ensure that activities engage young people’s attention, whilst developing their interaction and contribution.
The approach will be tailored based on cognitive (or sometimes physical) ability and will ensure that the young person is front and center in the delivery of their program of support. Through our social enterprise initiatives, we will offer vocational skills training and employment opportunities.
We will use the principles of Positive Behavior Support to underpin learning with the overall aim of improving and enhancing our young people’s quality of life so that they are better able to move on and achieve their best.
Our young people will be involved in decisions about their support and future. Their voices and opinions should be valued. For many, communication can be difficult, so we will invest skills and resources in enabling their participation in a variety of ways. We also recognize the enormous importance of working together with parents and carers as co-producers to ensure that the partnership between us and home works for the young person.
Our Team
We will employ skilled, experienced and dedicated staff and qualified teachers. Where required, we will source additional support from speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and behavior specialists to work closely together to provide integrated and appropriate support.
Our staff will receive regular training and support to ensure that they have the skills, knowledge and understanding to work effectively with our young people. Staff will be regularly supervised and supported.

The safety and wellbeing of our young people is paramount. We have developed comprehensive safeguarding policies and processes which are implemented holistically and rigorously and reviewed at least annually to ensure they reflect latest requirements and best practice. Young people will also be supported to understand these issues via their own program.
Progress and Attainment
Upon first engagement with The Foundation, our team will work with the young person and their parents or carers to develop a program that reflects their aspirations, outcomes, needs and support.
Progress will be regularly and comprehensively monitored, evaluated and reported. We will tailor how we provide support to match the individual young person, and we will also measure whether the approach is working. This helps to ensure that everyone make the best progress they can.
Young people will have access to a range of activities as part of our program, as well as non-accredited learning, depending on their interests, desired outcomes and abilities.
Our board of directors will take responsibility and oversee performance. We will welcome visitors and regularly hold open days for parents/carers and professionals. We will regularly publish updates and reports of our achievements.
You can find or more information about our program pathways or positive behavior support in our ‘Program Pathways’ section.