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Program Pathways

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Our Program Pathways

The Blue Dragonfly Foundation’s mission is to assist young people with autism and learning disabilities to acquire the necessary life and vocational skills to live and work as independently as possible and be the best they can be.

We have high aspirations for our young people.

We understand the importance of developing communication, interaction, attention and ‘learn to learn’ skills, as well as fostering as much independence as possible. We recognize and respect everyone’s individuality and will provide support based on individual need.

Through our social enterprise initiatives, we will offer vocational skills training and employment opportunities.

We will use the principles of Positive Behavior Support to underpin learning with the overall aim of improving and enhancing our young people’s quality of life so that they are better able to move on and achieve their best.


Our program is based on three core pathways, each one addressing a range of skills, needs and interests that can be tailored to the individual young person.

  • Engaging and Interacting
  • Developing Independence
  • Working Towards the Future

Each pathway contains an activity designed to develop core skills whilst appealing to the unique interests and talents of each young person.

Engaging & Interacting

The engaging and interacting pathway is underpinned by developing functional skills in math and English at every opportunity through the delivery of the program activity. Where available, young people will be encouraged to engage with technology that will support their development. Positive Behavior Support principles surround each activity. Speech & Language & Occupational Therapy are reviewed.

Developing Independence

The developing independence pathway is underpinned by the achievement of functional skills in math and English at every opportunity through the delivery of the program activity. Young people will be encouraged to engage with technology that will support their development. Positive Behavior Support principles surround each activity. Speech & Language & Occupational Therapy are reviewed.

Working Towards Employment

The working towards employment pathway is underpinned by the application of functional skills in math and English as part of the development of employability and vocational activity. Young people will be encouraged to engage with technology that will support their development. Positive Behavior Support principles surround each activity. Speech & Language & Occupational Therapy are reviewed.

Thriving & Achieving

Throughout the delivery of each individual program, progress and attainment is monitored and progress celebrated. Supported by qualified professionals, young people will be supported to understand how their efforts contribute to a positive future as part of their community.

Positive Behavior Support

Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a recognized approach to working in partnership with people, treating them with dignity and respect and enabling them to have a better life.

All behaviors have a meaning. Positive Behavior Support aims to understand what behaviors that challenge tell us so that the person’s needs can be met in better ways. The way the person is supported sometimes has to change to achieve this and this needs to be regularly reviewed by all the people involved.

Positive Behavior Support is an approach that puts the person at the center to make systems work for the person. It is…

Values Led

Our approach supports human rights and promotes respect, dignity, inclusion and a life without unnecessary restriction. It means treating people equally and working in partnership with the person and their family to make things better for everyone.

Promoting Quality Of Life

Our overall aim is to improve the quality of a person’s life and that of the people around them. It’s about providing the right support at the right time for a person so they can lead a meaningful and interesting life participating in activities and learning new skills. We will use different methods to gather information to work out what people’s behavior means, to improve their support and empower them to use better and less harmful ways to get their needs met.

Positive Behavior Support

It may mean changing the way the person is supported. Continuous review is important to make sure support carries on working well for the person and those around them.